Full Plate Thursday 2-16-12

I am so excited to see you today, welcome to Full Plate Thursday! I hope that there wasn't to much ice on the bridge when you come out today. The lake always looks real pretty in the winter, but sometimes that bridge can be a little slick. We have a big pot of Apple Cider and a pot of Vegetable Broth simmering on the stove so go on in and help your self and get warm by the fire. I can't wait to see what you brought today, it will be so good!

This Is How I Filled My Plate Last Week
Hot Sausage Gravy and Biscuits  at A Season For All Things
Morning Snack
Banana Nut Butter Balls  at The Willing Cook
Mint Garlic Chicken with Lime Pepper Corn Salad  at Tips For Delicious and Healthy Cooking
For The Brown Bag Lunch
Valentine Lunch Bag  at Atelier Ceclia Rosslee
Afternoon Snack
Pink Hot Chocolate  at Simply Sweet N Savory
Valentine Mug Cookies   Thing That Make You Say Mmmmm!
Baked Garlic Tomato Salmon  at The Liberated Kitchen
Fan Pastry  at Kitchen Flavours

If You Helped Me Fill My Plate Today Please Take The Red Plate Home
  The Code Is On The Side Bar

Full Plate Thursday Background Story

When we were young and just starting out in life sometimes we did not have a lot of money. Most of our friends were having to stretch the dollars at the end of the month just like us. My girlfriends and I decided that we would pool our food for some of the evening meals right before payday... the last week of the month. I have some of the fondest memories from those days. We would all bring our food together and we had some great food and great fellowship. We would get the food on the table and everything ready, someone would bless the food and then the hostess would say "come fill your plate".
I have just a few suggestions before you leave your dish and fill your plate.
  • Link directly to YOUR RECIPE  and not to your web page.  
  • Scroll down to the button that says "click here to enter"
  • You will be asked to give your URL ( which will be your direct link to your post), the name of your recipe, and your email which we will not be able to see.
  • Then you will be asked to select a thumbnail from your post that will be uploaded to your entry.
  • Please include a link back to Full Plate Thursday, somewhere on your post. We will give you a gentle reminder if you forget...
  • Please leave me a comment before you leave the page and let me know that you are here, I want to be a good hostess.
  • Don't forget to visit with all the others, after all that is part of the fellowship that makes it so much fun, in addition to all the good food of course...
  • Grab The Full Plate Button if you like and take it home with you.
  • Now God Bless you and your food and everyone fill your plate!
Thank You So Much For Coming Today and Come Back Soon!
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Miz Helen
Miz Helen

Cookbook Author, Recipe Developer, Organic Gardner.


  1. Hi Miz Helen, I hope you & your honey had a Happy Valentine's Day! I am sharing Chicken Divan & strawberry cake today. Thanks so much for hosting!

  2. Hey Miz Helen,

    This week I'm sharing a vegetarian white chili. (Gluten-free too of course.)

  3. Miz Helen, I have shared Blueberry Crown Muffins. Thank you for hosting!

  4. Thanks for hosting! Have a good rest of the week!

  5. Thanks so much for hosting! I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day. I love your picks for this weeks full plate!

  6. HI Miz Helen :) Thanks for hosting! I shared a Mini Warm Chocolate Cakes recipe. They are incredibly delicious! Thanks again.


  7. Hi Miz Helen! Good afternoon! I've brought something to share with Full Plate Thursday! Have a nice day!

  8. Hi, Miz Helen...(did I ever tell you my mother's name was Helen? )

    Thanks so much for hosting such a great linky party. I've really had some inspiration from all the good foods.:)

  9. Thank you Miz Helen, I'm very honored to be featured here. Thank you so much for hosting. Have a great day!

  10. Hi Miz Helen, I'm sharing my Cranberry, Carrot and Celery Slaw, and a Sausage Noodle Soup! Thanks for hosting :)

  11. Hi Miz Helen

    I'm sharing my "Flower-shaped Challah"
    I hope you had a wonderful Valentin'es Dau" and I wish you a great weekend. Thanks for hosting!

  12. thanks for hosting :) have a great week!

  13. Thanks again for hosting this beautiful event! Good morning from Greece!

  14. Thanks for hosting! I linked up my Slow Cooker Lasagna. I was really wary about this dish but have to say I loved how it turned out!

  15. Howdy Miz Helen! (Sorry, just felt like saying howdy to a Texan! LOL) How's your week been? Thanks for hosting. I can feel a crispness in the air in the evenings like our summer's nearly over. It's been a nice one. I bet you can feel spring in the air over your way?

    Anne xx

  16. I have some sausage in the freezer and think I'll make some gravy and biscuits too:@)

  17. Hi,
    I shared a recipe for braised short ribs with gravy (SCD/GAPS), Valentine Day Linzer Hearts. Also, an article about the relationship between diet soda and stroke, and I tried to answer the question: are grains toxic or safe?

    Thanks for hosting!

  18. I brought a very elegant but easy to make French dessert today - Creme Brulee. I hope you'll like it. Everyone always remembers the dessert and it's always a big hit with the men.

    Thank you for hosting this great event. Happy Thursday and enjoy your weekend Miz Helen.

  19. Thank you for hosting, have a wonderful day!

  20. What a great week of food :) Thank you for always being such a gracious hostess! Have a great day!

  21. Just found your site. Love the selection of recipes.

  22. Oooo, apple cider. Fantastic idea! Thank you for hosting this recipe share. The kids are still sleeping so I have some time to browse....

    What I brought today is far from elegant. Veggie Poutine is my (healthier) take on a French Canadian dish that is best when you buy it from an outside vendor on a cold, cold, day. Fries, cheese curds and gravy is a delightful mess. Ours has a rich, mushroom gravy and oven-baked Russet fries. It tastes every bit as sinful as the original but is much better for you.

  23. Thanks for hosting! I hope you're having a good week!

  24. Thank you so, so much for featuring my Banana Nut Butter Balls! It is such an honor to be included in a great line-up. This week a posted a Chocolate Chip Cookie Brownie recipe that is free of all the top 8 allergens, plus grain. They are quite delicious and were fun to make into Valentine treats!
    Thanks again!
    Michelle @ The Willing Cook

  25. Miz Helen, thank you for being such a gracious host once again :) Hope you've had a wonderful week!

    I'm sharing two recipes. First, a Black Bean, Broccoli & Quinoa Salad with Blackberry Serrano Sauce that my husband whipped up. Second, an Oven Roasted Bacon Wrapped Chicken with Cipollini Onions that was seriously the best chicken I have ever had.

    Have a great day!

  26. Morning, Miz Helen! This is my first with ya'll on Full Plate Thursday, so I hope ya'll enjoy! I'm sharing my recipe for Garlic Cheddar Biscuits that I've managed to perfect to the point of knocking the socks off that ole' seafood restaurant chain ;) I'll be checking back in looking for some great recipes for the week!

    Enjoy your day!

  27. Good morning, Miz Helen. This is my first visit to your site, and I came via Beverly's Back Porch. I am new at this, and this is all I will try for this time. Have a great Thursday!

  28. I'm sharing my Beef and Pasta One Pot this week. Thank you so much for hosting, Miz Helen!

  29. Miz Helen, thank you for hosting another successful Full Plate Thursday! I'm sharing my Strawberry Whipped Delight that I made for Valentine's Day!
    Have a wonderful end of the week:DDD

  30. Hi Miz Helen,
    Thank you for hosting every Thursday! I'm sharing my cream puff recipe today.

  31. Hi Miz Helen, It is an honoured to be featured in Full Plate Thursday! Thank you so much!

  32. Love all of your featured items from last week! Lots of good eats! Thanks for hosting. I've linked up again.

  33. Thanks for hosting. This week I'm sharing how we got 6 meals from one smoked pork shoulder, plus a recipe for a yummy split pea soup. It's a great way to stretch your food budget.

  34. Thanks for hosting! I posted my cultured ketchup full of good probiotics.


  35. Miz Helen, thanks for hosting each week! I hope you'll try this pie; it never lasts long in our fridge.

  36. Miz Helen
    I made a side dish of Ginger Glazed Carrots!

  37. Linky parties are the shit, aren’t they?? :)

    This week I’ve linked up my endive “Cup” risotto balls – that’s right. I took everything that goes into an endive cup and pimped it out with cheesy, carbohydrate goodness ;) It may not be healthy but the ingredients are real, whole, and in moderation, a little real, whole junk food never hurt anybody ;)

    Thank you so much for hosting!

  38. Really great recipes and a cool host of food linky party!

  39. Hi Miz Helen,
    Thanks for featuring our salmon dish!
    This week I've shared something completely different - lemon curd! It's a childhood favorite of mine and now I can make it completely GAPS legal. You'd never know the difference :)
    I also shared how to clarify butter, which is one of the ingredients in the curd recipe.

  40. Thanks for featuring Hot Sausage Gravy n' Biscuits. What an honor! Now I'm nosin' around for more tempting recipes. ~ Ellen

  41. Happy Thursday Miz Helen! This week I wrote about cinnamon, one of my favourite spices! There is also a recipe for grain-free cinnamon and raisin bread rolls! Have a lovely week!

  42. Thank you for hosting each week Miz Helen! I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's. I have linked up Oatmeal Cookies and Heart Cookies.

  43. Hello Miz Helen,

    Well thank you kindly for featuring my roasted beat/cabbage/apple dish! So awesome!

    This week I am sharing a fun treat I made for my family on Valentine's Day: Pink Peppermint Vegan Ice Cream Sandwiches. So yum and so healthy. Oh, and also sharing a savory: Chicken Cabbage Soup.

    I do hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day!

    You have a great rest of your week.


  44. Lots of good looking recipes to read through! Will add a link myself!

  45. Wow! So many good recipes, thanks for hosting.

  46. Thanks so much for the feature this week! Also- thanks for hosting this great party each week.

  47. Thanks for hostessing. I brought some Grain-Free Lasagna to the table.

  48. Thanks for hostessing. I brought some Grain-Free Lasagna to the table.

  49. Thank you for hosting! Have a great week. XX00

  50. Hey! I just posed my mini baked donuts! Thanks or hosting :)

  51. Hi Miz Helen! I'm sharing my Mardi Gras desserts today! Thanks so much for hosting and have a great weekend!

  52. Thank you for hosting such a wonderful party Miz Helen! I have linked up my Chocolate banana nut Birthday Cake, I hope you have a wonderful evening! nettie

  53. Miz Helen!! Thank you SO much for adding my Raspberry Cupcakes to your plate!! I've aspired to make something one day that would make it to Full Plate Thursday...so you've really made my day! Have a wonderful weekend! :)

  54. Thanks so much for hosting Miz Helen. I made dog bisuits for my favorite hounds this week and thought I'd share the recipe. I like these crisp gluten-free peanut butter biscuits so much, I don't mind snacking on them myself.

  55. wow..I am spending way too much time looking at all these recipes!!!

  56. Some really great recipes today! We linked up a great beef,carrot ginger wrap. We also have a great book review today. Come visit.

  57. Can't wait to try some of the recipes today! Sharing my corn muffin recipe today.

  58. I linked up Miz Helen! If you have any pizza post on your blog, stop on over and link up in my Happy Friday Pizza link up! http://cafescrapper-scrapsoflife.blogspot.com/2012/02/easy-bbq-chicken-pizza-with-honey-pizza.html Yummy

  59. Hi Miz Helen, Thanks so much for hosting this great party. I've shared my spaghetti with parsley pesto.

    Have a great weekend,

  60. This is a P.S. -- I just joined you on the Linky Followers. Since this is new there may be some bloggers who have not yet joined and just wanted to raise awareness. Please follow me on the Linky follow group.


  61. Hi Ms. Helen! Wanted to share some fun we are having at our farm with eggs- we're in the process of finding 101 Ways to use eggs- this week we feature Baked Eggs. :) Hope you enjoy them!! :)


  62. Hi~ Today I shared my Chocolate Cherry Cheesecake for 2! Thanks so much for hosting, it looks like quite a party!

  63. Good morning, Miz Helen! I've just linked up another plate of dish! Have a lovely Sunday!

  64. Good Morning, Miz Helen! I made Pecan Tassies & Tuxedo Strawberries to share. Thanks for hosting your wonderful party. xoxoxo


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Miz Helen